Frequently Asked Questions
Fiocchi manufactures over 300 million rounds per year at the Ozark facility with a focus on routing our products to our distributors, chain stores, and dealers around the nation. We don't have a retail store but have one of the best networks of dealer customer in the nation. We invite you to visit the dealer locater and find out who near you is carrying Fiocchi!
Our Warranty Policy can be found here.
a. We recommend approaching the gun/ammo counter and asking your dealer to pick up the product in their store. Dealers always love to know they have a ready customer willing to purchase a product they invest on putting on their shelf. While they may not make that investment for one or two customers, they certainly will follow the pattern if they hear it from several people and know they can move the product.
b. Fiocchi works closely with the majority of online dealers as well. Be sure to check the dealer locator to identify the multitude of locations you can purchase our ammunition online.
b. Fiocchi works closely with the majority of online dealers as well. Be sure to check the dealer locator to identify the multitude of locations you can purchase our ammunition online.
Fiocchi sponsors a wide range of professional shooters, Olympians, and Influencers on a global scale. We do a review of sponsors for the upcoming year each fall, and lock in the final group at the start of each calendar year. For events, Fiocchi focuses on national level events due mainly to the sheer volume of requests we get nearly every day. Fiocchi has a great club and youth shooter purchase program to save shooting teams and young shooters as much as possible on their ammo needs. Contact us for more information on how to get special pricing for your shooting team or club.
We are always accepting new dealers at Fiocchi. We fully support all of our outdoor market channels from distributors, retail chains, buy groups, shooting clubs and more! The major distributors in the nation are already carrying Fiocchi so if that supports your buying model, we urge you to ask your existing distributor what they have in stock for Fiocchi. If you would like to set up a direct account, you can fill out our dealer inquiry form online.